My Goals for 2025

I don't like saying that I'm setting New Year's "Resolutions." It sounds so formal, so impermeable. Information and circumstances change throughout the year, so I prefer to call them "Goals," which also takes some of the pressure off. I haven't intentionally done them in the last couple of years (because I took time off to tend to my growing family and recover from my breast cancer surgery), but it's time to revisit the exercise. I'm ready for a 2025 comeback! 

My obvious goal for HansonMade Candles in 2025 is to gain more views and sales, so I'm starting with a more narrow one. The goal is to post more content to drive traffic, but specifically for blogs and newsletters. Look, I know that it takes time to sit down and write, which I don't have easy access to, but "communication is key." I do think that there's something to the idea of "just posting the video," which I take to mean to not overthink the substance of the content and just get it out there to see what sticks. In other words, it doesn't have to win a Pulitzer to work! It worked for the "very demure, very cutesy" girl, just sayin.'

Once I get started, I'll have a better idea of how to quantify that in terms of how often I'll blog/email, how long those communications will look like, and those sorts of "chunks." I like it when I can use post-its, whiteboards, calendars, colorful pens, and cute notebooks for projects. I do struggle with wanting to keep things organized but at the same time needing to visualize my work, but that's another story.

I try to set multiple goals that are attainable; that way, I feel more accomplished. It's a simple psychological trick that allows me to get myself a little treat, so I stand by it.

What are some of your goals for 2025? Comment below!

PS: Please follow me on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube! All of my links are at the bottom of the webpage.

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